Back to base

On Monday, post-gig, we roused ourselves, and moved the boat around the corner to moorings where the boat could stay for a few days. I went to check there was space at our planned spot before committing. Was entranced by the sight of Buckden motor and Saturn butty, both historic vessels, breasted up and turning in the winding hole before returning to their Ellesmere base for winter works. Beautifully done. They would then switch to fore and aft towing. And here they come Once we were moored up again, we picked up a few bits for return home, and headed off back to North Wales. Come Thursday first thing, we were back to Cheshire in 2 cars: leaving one at Nantwich, then going together to Whitchurch: collect the boat and return to Nantwich, then whizz back to Whitchurch to collect the car at that end.. It was a lovely, trouble free cruise, except for the exuberant reed growth encroaching on the channel in quite a few places. ...