Back to Boating, 27th July

Tuesday morning, and I had jobs to do.. cleaning mostly, and obviously seasoned with some sudoku. Andrew arrived back safely but tired, wanting a siesta I left him to it, to check out the R. Severn 's head of navigation from the bank. So back into town, passing a workboat and crew repairing a foot bridge over the canal: At the riverbank turning upstream. A terrific children's playground, followed by a spacious park / ball games / picnic area, with a shady avenue along the riverbank The river is really quiet now, only fisherfolk and walkers on the bank. Until this came buzzing by: I found the back of a sign at the right point.. how on earth boats are supposed to see it I've no idea Well beyond this point a couple of RIBs skimmed by. Despite the width of the river and the fact they barely draw 12 inches, their wash made a lot of fuss at the bank, showing just how shallow the water is The valley is lo...