Stoke to Stone. Was Stome stolen?

Friday morning and the cusp of half term. We were up fairly promptly with a lot of heavy locks to get through. Stoke Council tries hard to make the canal a green and pleasant space, but there's also a lot of graffiti and a bad reputation still hangs over it. Here's the approach to the first lock of the day, at the Industrial museum and the turning off (on left) to Caldon Canal. Looking forward to revisiting this pretty and interesting canal, but it's currently closed for a complete reline of the canal bed. After that it was lock after lock after lock and no photos got taken until we left Stoke behind and arrived at the small village of Barlaston. What a lovely mooring spot! Unfortunately, today was also the day that Andrew received the True Boaters Baptism. There was a strong side wind as we were mooring, threatening to push us away from the bank so he hurried and the front line - thrown on that morning from 3 feet away as Alison assiste...